There are 81 products.
TOBACCO Electronic Cigarette Flavors Tobaccos extracted directly from the best tobacco leaves to quench and quit smoking are diluted with neutral base The Orlando D'Alessandro Tabaccheria is a company established and started in 2015, after years of testing and research in the production of Tobacco Extract for Electronic Cigarette, to be used in dilution in inhalation liquids for electronic cigarettes (Basi Neutre) .
Our products are 100% Artisan and Organic, ie 100% vegetable extracts, derived from purely pure extraction of untreated tobacco leaves and without further additions of artificial additives or aromas.
To offer the highest quality and reliability of our Extracts, we paid a lot of attention to the following: TOBACCO
Normative Aspects
Sanitary Hygiene
Selection of Raw Materials
Product Analysis and Certification
Destination Usage of Our Extracts
European regulations in Vigore
We are therefore proud to offer on the market only Products with High Quality Qualities such as:
Compliance with the HACCP Protocol: a set of rules and procedures aimed at preventing the risks of food contamination.
The choice of High Quality Raw Materials: for the production of our extracts we have selected only High Quality Unsaturated Tobacco and USP / EP E1520 Propylene Glycol, Certified as a Food Additive.
Obtaining and publishing a Product Certification issued by accredited "ACCREDIA" laboratory (see "Certificates and Certificates" section of our website).
The use Destination of our products is well defined in the Label and in the SDS Safety Data Sheet (see section "Certificates and Certificates" of our website), also published in the archive or database of the Higher Health Institute.
Each Bottle is made up of an Amber Glass Bottle (to preserve the product quality from any external agent, including sunlight) and a Child Proof Cap, both of the Certificates and the Pharmaceutical Type.
The Orlando D'Alessandro Tabaccheria has left nothing to chance or even customer interpretation and is the first company in Italy to regulate Tobacco Extracts for a specific use or use for dilution In inhalation liquids for electronic cigarettes (Basi Neutre), by publishing a special SDS Safety Data Sheet on its site and in the archives of the Higher Health Institute, labeling products according to current European regulations and eliminating any doubt about the customer and Possible misuse of the product other than the one specified.
Thanks to the support of collaborators with extensive experience in the production of aromas, organic chemistry professors, technicians, and a group of "hobby professionals and enthusiasts", the company evolves to apply an Advanced Extraction Technique that together with 'Utilization of Vending Machines, today allow "La Tabaccheria" to market on the market with an Italian, Artisan and Certified Product of Very High Quality.
Our Taste Extracts Are Not Different Only for Quality and Reliability:
Our Extraction Technique Concentrates High and Superior Product Concentration, therefore also the organic component is very high, all this allows our extracts to be Appreciated Immediately or Needlessly Long Post Dilution Matura.
The aromatic base of an E-Liquid prepared with our Tobacco Extract is in fact well defined and does not require long maturation.
Time and maturation may allow for further nuances, but often to a degree that does not justify a long wait, often required where the concentration of an extract is not very high and this requires dilution in higher percentages and the use of a long Maturation to allow the organic component present in low concentration to bind well to the neutral base.
The maturation and the end result of the product depend on the production technique used, there is often no distinction between "Macerato" and an "extract", whereas the differences there are and are very significant.
The macerate is less elaborate in terms of production and the resulting is a sweeter, less concentrated aroma and needs a much longer ripening time than the extract to be best appreciated.
An extract is more elaborate in terms of production stages and the resulting is a more faithful aroma to the extracted, more concentrated matrix that does not need long maturations to be appreciated.
For further details and for proper use of our Tobacco Extract, it remains
Liquid in concentrated aroma format 20ml produced using our new technique called "SELECTIVE PURIFICATION" in a really EXTREME way!
The result? A totally organic and totally TRANSPARENT concentrated tobacco extract
Let's start by saying that this Line is a UNIQUE worldwide innovation!
We confirm it with a touch of pride, as there is not yet a product in the world like a Latakia extract made completely transparent. Moreover, there is no other tobacco extract with this characteristic. All this was possible thanks to our selective purification technique.
At the moment the line brings the following products to the market:
White Latakia
The White Latakia of the Extreme 4Pod line, is the ideal product for those looking for a version of our Latakia tobacco extract, extremely clean and suitable for non-regenerable systems and pod mod.
The White Latakia, in fact, is totally transparent, this will guarantee a coil life even higher than that guaranteed by the Extreme 4Pod Line, which is already unbelievable.
This product, like all the products belonging to this line, has a truly lovable taste, soft and enveloping, which will take you into a world that is truly surreal!
We wanted to create a product that could finally represent the ideal product for the lover of organic tobacco extracts, especially in combination with non-regenerable atomizers and pod mods. THE TOBACCONIST
White Kentucky
The White Kentucky of the Extreme 4Pod line, is the ideal product for those looking for a version of our Kentucky tobacco extract, extremely clean and suitable for non-regenerable systems and pod mod.
The White Kentucky, in fact, is totally transparent, this will guarantee a coil life even higher than that guaranteed by the Organic 4Pod Line, which is already incredible.
This product, like all the products belonging to this line, has a truly lovable taste, soft and enveloping, which will take you into a world that is truly surreal!
We wanted to create a product that could finally represent the ideal product for the lover of organic tobacco extracts, especially in combination with non-regenerable atomizers and pod mods.
White Kentucky USA
Aroma Format The White Kentucky USA of the Extreme 4Pod line is the ideal product for those looking for a version of the Kentucky USA Extract tobacco, extremely clean and suitable for non-regenerable systems and pod mods
The White Kentucky USA, in fact, is totally transparent, this will guarantee a coil life even higher than that guaranteed by the Extreme 4Pod Line, which is already unbelievable.
This product, like all the products belonging to this line, has a truly lovable taste, soft and enveloping, which will take you into a world that is truly surreal! THE TOBACCONIST