We are talking about a very important substance for the use of the ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE: PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PG)
PROPYLENE GLYCOL, also called PG, is an odorless, clear and viscous liquid with a sweetish taste. It is an excellent natural bacteriostatic, this allows the NON proliferation of bacteria and viruses on the food or pharmaceutical product where contained.
It is also scientifically proven that it is not harmful to health and is not carcinogenic.
It is often used in the food or pharmaceutical field, for its ability to convey flavors and mix them together.
In our sector specifically, USP grade propylene glycol is used, which means it has a degree of purity above 99.5%.
What is the PG for in the ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE?

The PG which is definitely more fluid than vegetable glycerol, is however denser than water. Among its characteristics it is possible to remember the excellent vaporiness.
In the presence of nicotine, it is able to guarantee a greater perception. It should be remembered that, with a liquid with a prevalence of propylene glycol, there are absolutely no problems regarding use with traditional atomizers.
If you have a more extreme atomizer, you must be careful not to flood the atomization chamber. The risk, in this case, is caused in particular by the excessive fluidity of the liquid.
A small parenthesis should also be dedicated to purified water free of heavy metals. Its role is important although not necessary.
It is not essential for vaporization but has the undisputed pro of making vegetable glycerol more fluid and of cooling resistance. In the past, some items associated propylene glycol with antifreeze, as its main component, but in reality it is a substance which, in its many chemical and production variations and alterations, is used as a solvent in antifreeze but also as a preservative for food, plastics and other industries that deal with consumption or health. In vaporization by means of an electronic cigarette, the PG is used as a solvent to conserve liquids and thus maintain the aroma for long periods.
Is Propylene Glycol Bad?

There are many studies on the toxicity of PG to humans and from these it emerged that, if ingested, the risks of acute toxicity are very low. Health risks are present only if considerable quantities of PG are ingested (greater than 1g / L and in a very short time), an episode that is almost impossible because the foods do not contain more than 1g / kg of propylene glycol.

Given its low percentage of toxicity, propylene glycol has been used as a food additive by the Food and Drug Administration as it has been considered as a "safe" substance, it is not carcinogenic and not even genotoxic (does not alter DNA).

VEGETABLE GLYCERINE, a "fundamental" substance for the use of the ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE.

If you are wondering why Electronic Cigarettes can "simulate" and sometimes even in an exaggerated way (here https://www.smo-kingshop.it/it/1472-dripper a series of products for CLOUD CHASING) smoking of the cigarette, well all this is thanks to the VAPORIZATION of VEGETABLE GLYCERINE.

VEGETABLE GLYCERINE together with PROPYLENE GLYCOL serves precisely for the correct functioning of the ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE. Their presence is essential. Without it, steam cannot be produced. The aromas are important and make the use of electronic cigarettes special and pleasant, but if there were no propylene glycol and vegetable gicerol it would not go anywhere.

Can I use liquids only with VG?

Vegetable glycerol (Vg) is extremely dense, flows with difficulty and adheres well to surfaces. It is also characterized by a sweetish taste and is capable of producing a lot of steam. Being very viscous, liquids characterized by the presence of a large amount of vegetable glycerol - the so-called "full vg" - are not the best choice for those who use a traditional atomizer.

The ideal choice is that of the sprayers with higher draft, such as the DRIPPER. In principle, it is appropriate to move towards atomisers suitable for extreme vaping.

To date, there are no studies that affirm the harmfulness of VG precisely because this substance, being vegetable, does not have a harmful impact on our body. Indeed, compared to PROPYLENE GLYCOL, it is much safer and far from problems such as allergies or intolerances. In fact, some VAPERS prefer to inhale LIQUIDS which have a high percentage of VG inside.
What happens if I use liquids with different percentages of PROPYLENE GLYCOL?

Do you want to know how to dose VEGETABLE GLYCERINE in the liquids you use? We give you a list of percentages where you can understand what happens by adding or decreasing the VG.

80/20 PG / VG: Excellent flavor yield, strong hit and low vapor yield.
70/30 PG / VG: More steam, a little less steam and hit rate in the throat
60/40 PG / VG: Even more steam, good hit in the throat and vapor yield
50/50 PG / VG: Perfect balance, which guarantees an excellent hit, excellent vapor yield and hit in the throat
40/60 PG / VG: Much steam, moderate flavor and hit
30/70 PG / VG: Even denser steam, mini hit and minimal flavor
20/80 PG / VG: Large quantities of steam, very little hit and flavor
100% VG: Great clouds of steam, with a hint of hit in the throat and aroma.
100% PG: Strong Hit in the throat, almost no vapor and a robust aroma.

VEGETABLE GLYCERINE is as important as PROPYLENE GLYCOL. Based on your tastes, you can choose and decide your vape style and consequently the best hardware you will have to use.