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The best Electronic Cigarette Liquids format Nicotine Ready Liquids 10 ml made by BLACK NOTE in its SERIES V BY BLACK NOTE Line: HOUSE, JAZZ, POP, REGGAE AND ROCK. AVAILABLE IN DIFFERENT GRADATIONS OF NICOTINE: 0 mg / ml, 3 mg / ml, 6 mg / ml, 9 mg / ml and 18mg / ml nicotine.
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The best Electronic Cigarette Liquids format Nicotine Ready Liquids 10 ml made by BLACK NOTES: CONCERTO, FORTE, LEGATO, PRELUDE, QUARTET, SOLO AND SONATA. AVAILABLE IN DIFFERENT GRADATIONS OF NICOTINE: 0 mg / ml, 3 mg / ml, 6 mg / ml, 12 mg / ml and 18mg / ml nicotine.