THE COILS AND THE DIFFERENT TYPES In this article we will try to briefly explain the terms and the various types of COILS / RESISTANCES to be used on your atomizers for electronic cigarettes.
Another aspect that should not be underestimated is that based on the number of turns (SPIRE), and depending on the diameter of the wire (GA) and the tip we will use (INTERNAL DIAMETER) the resistors take on different characteristics and are named differently:
They belong to the category of ready-made coils of the latest generation.
NOTCH COILS are created by carving them from a hollow tube, and make the steam more full-bodied, they heat less because they do not need to be used at high wattages and therefore maintain a lower operating temperature.
They are excellent solutions to offer durability with a helical structure,
The TWISTED COIL It is composed of several resistive wires with the same diameter and joined together with a reciprocal spiral.
The thread itself performs a liquid absorption function because a space will be created between the wound threads which, due to the principle of capillarity, will attract the liquid.
From this we deduce that it is much more difficult for the resistance to go dry and will offer us a higher aromatic level than those with single strands.
Two or more single wires of the same diameter are covered externally by another wire with a smaller diameter than the first ones used,
With this CLAPTON COIL the heated surface is increased and too high power is not required.
Therefore it favors a longer duration of the resistance (i.e. it allows it to be used for many ml of liquid and it is necessary to dry burn and take care of the coil, but do not replace them often).
They are coils that are mostly used in Botton Feeder systems and low wattages, and release an excellent aroma, and the liquid that is conveyed by the tank or dripper does not need high power.
The wire is wrapped around a strip and it is a composite model suitable for both DRIPPER and RTA, there are also MINI ALIEN CLAPTON models for use in MTL.
It has a composite core of two parallel wires and wrapped in a perpendicular wire.
The soul is made up of parallel threads.
Wrapped in a ribbon ribbon.
This solution ensures a very high aromatic yield, and a very full-bodied vapor of enormous production and a very high flavor.
You can also find JUGGERNAUT coils ready in this way that have about 0.20 ohm, these coils need very high powers so the advice is to use them with big batteries.
They consist of two parallel wires of the same material and diameter.
These PARALLEL COILs, if made with thinner wires such as i (30/32/34/36 GA) and with tips less than one millimeter (0.90 mm, 0.80 mm, 0.70 mm), are created the nano coils, which used tobaccos help bring out the dry notes of them.
There is also another type that has a "FLAT" wire core, that is, it is flat and is covered with a Clapton wire and is called FLAPTON.
You can also find ready-made wires with (twisted coil, clapton coil, alien clapton, fused clapton)
Instead the juggernauts are always better to get them from experienced people called (bulder) who are very prepared to build them.
These types of coils are for experienced vapers, not beginners.
We remind you that to regenerate safely it is advisable to also learn the law of ohm which we will address in a subsequent article ...