COMPLEX COIL MAINTENANCE Let's start with the definition of a complex coil: a complex coil is defined as any coil composed of two or more wires, of different materials, the most common is Nichrome 80. The complex coil consists of one or more wires (hereinafter defined WIRE or CORE ) held together by another wire of lower section (hereinafter referred to as WRAP).
What are the advantages of using complex coils and where is their use indicated?
The advantages in the use of complex coils derive from a greater heating surface and therefore from a higher aromatic yield compared to a single-wire coil. A complex coil also allows you to drop a lot in resistive value, in certain constructions (builds), thus being able to vape in "extreme" cloud chasing without affecting too much on the aromatic yield of the liquid you are vaping.
When used in MTL and FLAVOR, a greater aromatic yield of vaped liquids is appreciated even if, in some MTL atomizers, their use is not recommended.
Not recommended because, this is the "cons" of complex coils, this type of coil needs a higher wattage for proper operation, resulting in the development of more heat inside our atomizers.
It goes without saying that if the temperature does not represent, in principle, a problem on drips, especially very airy ones; it can represent a problem on certain models of atomizers, especially MTL, which have a fairly small bell.
For information, we report some models of complex coils currently on the market:
Clapton Coil, is the simplest complex coil and is composed of a core and a wrap.
Fused Clapton Coil, is a wire composed of 2 or more cores and a wrap turned perpendicular to the cores.
Alien Coil, is a variant of the Fused Clapton where the wrap is worked in such a way that it is "wavy" compared to a classic Fused Clapton.
SFC, Staggered Fused Clapton, is a wire made up of two wire clapons wrapped together.
SSFC, Staple Staggered Fised Clapton, made like SFC with Flat Wire inserts, i.e. wires with a flat section instead of a circular one.
There are, then, particular builds that are created by builders but are, for the most part, real works of art, pass me the term, which bring little, in terms of benefits, to the use of coils.
One of the advantages given by complex coils, in addition to the aromatic yield given by this type of build, is certainly the duration of the coils, calculated in milliliters of vaped liquid, compared to the duration of a coil made with simple wire and this duration is given by a correct maintenance of the coils or the DRYBURN.
What does this operation consist of and what are the benefits?
The dryburn consists in the "regeneration" of the coils so that they are cleaned from the crystallized residues of vaped liquid.
There are several methods for cleaning the coils, we will examine the most suitable method so that our complex coils can have a long life, with obvious benefits also of an economic nature.
All we will need for the correct and perfect maintenance of our coils is:
Hot water;
Liquid dish soap such as "Svelto" or NON MENTULATED toothpaste;
Toothbrush of medium hardness;
Metal brush with a suitable diameter for our coils;
Microfiber cloth.
Obviously, it is not necessary to remove the coils from our atomizer to carry out the cleaning operations.
Cleaning procedure:
Let's start by removing the cotton from our coils, taking care not to damage the conformation of the coils themselves. Once the cotton has been removed and all the cotton residues have been removed from the coils, we begin to wash the coils, with the entire deck of the atomizer, under plenty of hot water, so as to begin to soften the encrustations of the previously vaped liquid. We can help ourselves, already in this phase, with the toothbrush, GENTLY brushing the surface of the coil parallel to the WRAP. For the internal surface of the coils, we can use the brush.
At the end of this preliminary operation, place a small amount of “Svelto” liquid soap or toothpaste on the surface of the coils. Why these two products? Because they are descaling products and they will give us a great hand in eliminating encrustations, especially in very dirty coils. It is recommended not to use mentholated toothpastes, since the mentholated can then remain on the coils giving us, when vaping, an alteration in the aromatic yield of the liquids used.
So let's start brushing our coils externally using the toothbrush, and internally via the brush. This operation takes longer the dirtier our coils are.
After this phase, we rinse everything well under plenty of hot water, perfectly eliminating all soap or toothpaste residues and, if the coils are particularly dirty, repeating the cleansing operation.
Obviously, during the cleaning operation, no one forbids us to move the coils to our liking, helping us with a tip, to get as far as possible everywhere.
Once we have finished washing our coils, we proceed to dry the entire deck, paying particular attention to the pin and the turrets, using a microfiber cloth. I do not recommend the use of Scottex or similar because, getting wet, they can then leave residues on the coils.
Once everything has dried, we mount our deck on a tab or on a box, arrange the coils well and initialize them as if they had just been assembled from scratch, therefore low wattages and avoiding making them become incandescent.
We reconstitute our coils and that's it.
How often to dryburn and when to replace the coils?
As for the first question, I personally recommend washing the coils every 30 / 60ml of liquid vaped. Obviously, the shorter the intervals, the more optimal the final cleaning of the coils will be. The MTL complex coils used with organic tobaccos deserve a separate discussion, the life of the coils used for this type of vape is drastically reduced precisely because of the organic tobacco liquids which dirty a lot.
As for the replacement of complex Ni80 coils, I recommend replacing between 500ml and 600ml of vaped liquid and, in any case, no more than 7 maximum 10 dryburns.
This is for a simple reason: by carrying out the dryburn, we still stress the material with which our coils are made; all this translates into a loss of aromatic yield and performance even if the coils appear in perfect condition.
Obviously it is a suggestion, the coils can be pulled even longer, with all the limitations that an “old” coil can entail compared to a new one.