ARTICLE BY Stefano Caliciuri
Does the vaping pass under the control of the Monopoly? The Allies headed by Senator Simona Vicari managed to bring their monopoly design into harbor. In a normative scenario where politics works to ease the monopolistic tightness of industrial and commercial activities (see Siae, buses and taxis) only the vaping goes countercurrent. The hands of the state have succeeded (for the moment) in grasping an economy of the economy but above all in the ability to decay the decade-long supremacy of combustion tobacco. And maybe that's the problem. The extreme interest that multinationals have been facing over the last few months with regard to the means of reducing harm, whether it be electronic cigarettes or tobacco heaters, Iqos to understand. Although repeatedly sought, the senator, through his spokesman, has always refused to publicly illustrate the political ratio of the amendment.
The Senate's Fifth Senate approved the endorsement proposed by Sen. Simona Vicari. Replayed with an additional article on revenue from the original version, this appears to have been the key to the amendment being approved at the vote.
As we had already said, an entirely new scenario for the entire industry is opening up. The sale and distribution of nicotine products will be the responsibility of the Customs and Monopoly Agency, Monopoli area. Products may only be sold under license. Currently open traders who have prevailing activity in selling these products can continue to sell. Aams will however have until March 31, 2018 to set up the rules and requirements for the license to be kept and to release new ones. During the transition period until the decree is enforced, existing stores will be able to continue to exercise.
Always according to the approved amendment, they will close all the websites that are predisposed to the sale of nicotine products and electronic cigarettes to individuals. According to the forecasts proposed in the amendment, the revenue for public finances resulting from this solution is 9.5 million euro.
Associations are busy in these hours to understand who has worked in the shadows for this amendment to be approved. Of course, the big beneficiaries are the tobacconists who are joined by multinationals of tobacco in the steaming chain that can structure a capillary sales and supply network. The game, if the Senate were to approve the legislative text definitively, would pass in the coming weeks to the House of Representatives. Senator Simona Vicari in May resigned from Undersecretary's post to the infrastructure following a warranty notice for suspicions that she had tabled an amendment lowering 10% to 4% on maritime transport in exchange for two valuable watches