- National Association for United Vapers anpvu ANPVU differs from other organizations in the sector already present on the national territory as it simply wants to be an association made up of only vapers: people who share the same interest and the same passion. Its primary objective is to help smokers quit cigarette smoking by entering the world of personal vaporizers. Vaping, therefore, as an alternative to smoking and as a great moment of growth and aggregation. The members will have the task of promoting, with their example in vaping, the protection of health to all those people still slaves of smoking because they are not convinced of the true validity of vape as an effective and safe way to stop smoking. There are now thousands of scientific studies in the world, many of which are published in very important and recognized journals such as The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, the British Journal of Medicine, the British Journal of Respiratory, etc. which attest, in an irrepressible manner, how vaporizers represent a valid opportunity to overcome tobacco dependency and cope with serious smoking-related diseases.

In Italy, out of 11 million smokers about 7.150.000 have tried at least once to stop without success. The new vaping technologies allow to have the possibility of being able to change health statistics and therefore be able to offer to the knowledgeable vapors an alternative that is far less harmful than cigarette tobacco. The Ministry of Health of Great Britain already in 2015 estimated a risk reduction of about 95% of the toxicity of vaporizers compared to "traditional". It is important to underline how to reduce the risk of toxicity we mean substantially all those smoke-related pathologies such as: lung cancer and serious cerebrovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral obliterative arterial disease, etc.), but not only .

A team of Scottish researchers led by Dr. William E. Stephen of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland has managed to develop a specific methodology called "inhalation unit risk" that measures the risk of developing cancer by chemical inhalation units. To derive the final risk data, the researchers combined the risk of inhalation units with the estimated daily consumption of consumers.

The conclusions published in the journal Tobacco Control are clear and unequivocal: "The carcinogenic potency of e-cigarettes is less than 1% of that of smoking". There are many scientists all over the world (for Italy Tirelli, Polosa, Beatrice and the late Veronesi) who, through scientific tests, are increasingly trying to convince the governments that the use of personal vaporizers as an alternative to smoking to date is a successful prevention strategy that allows to save 83,000 people in Italy each year, 700,000 in Europe, 6,000,000 in the world (WHO).

The intent and the hope of ANPVU is to finally see the Italian State approve and share the policies of the United Kingdom where the Vaping is promoted and encouraged by its Ministry of Health. ANPVU fully shares and respects the objectives of the other existing associations and hopes, with conviction, a continuous interaction with them to stimulate, all together, a constructive dialogue. ANPVU arises from the need to be able to count without hesitation on a new healthy and structured associative aggregation consisting of numerous "vapers" (companies, companies and shops can not be registered) that shares this great passion.

ANPVU's mission: a) development, promotion, organization and dissemination of cultural and recreational activities within the SVAPO in all its forms and manifestations both nationally and internationally; b) defense of the rights of the vapers and observance of the good rules of conduct of the Vaper; c) eventual management of plants, own or of third parties, (structures and premises of various kinds) where to carry out sensibilization activities; d) carry out various activities aimed at knowledge and testing, also with the help of experts, e-liquids and hardware tools. These activities will have no commercial and / or profit-making purpose, and will be carried out in suitable and equipped environments for the exclusive use of the members, who will be able to use e-liquids and hardware in complete safety. e) organize territorial and national conferences with scientists on the subject of benefits from the use of personal vaporizers as an alternative to traditional cigarette smoke; f) of all the proposals and initiatives suggested by the members.

To make up the first provisional Board of Directors, composed of 7 founding members, are the Lords: VALERIO GARERI, PARIDE GUERRA, CARMINE CANINO, IVO CILIBERTI, LUIGI MAJURE, ANTONIO RICCARDO BARBA, LUIGI FAINI. As provided for by the same Statute on the appointment of the corporate offices, the following were elected: - President CARMINE CANINO - Vice President ANTONIO RICCARDO BARBA - Administrative Secretary VALERIO GARERI - LUIGI MAJURE Treasurer The annual membership fees for the ANPVU are as follows: Ordinary Member € 5.00 / year Supporting Member € 25.00 / year If you share the spirit and aims of ANPVU we invite you with great enthusiasm to join it, because the union is strength, so that you can start that public awareness aimed at bringing together as many traditional smokers as possible to the electronic steam that results much smoother and more effective. Catanzaro, 18 January 2018 Signed The National President Carmine Canino


green number Useful links In this section there are some institutional and informative sites related to the world of smoking, both traditional and electronic. Associations and institutions     ANAFE Confindustria - National Electronic Smoke Association     LIAF - Italian Anti-Smoking League     LIFE Federcontribuenti - Italian Electronic Smoking Fact Discussion forum     SVAPO     Esigarettaportal     Eigarette Forum     Electronic Cigarette Forum Other online resources Esigblog - Blog on the electronic cigarette

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