JAM MONSTER Tutti i prodotti

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STRAWBERRY is an Electronic Cigarette Aroma in 15 ml in 60 ml format created by JAM MONSTER. FLAVOUR: TOAST, BUTTER AND STRAWBERRY JAM.
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BLUEBERRY is an Electronic Cigarette Aroma Shot 15ml in 60ml format created by JAM MONSTER. FLAVOR: TOAST, BUTTER AND BLUEBERRY JAM.
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Disponibile da Smo-King tutta la linea di Aromi Sigarette Elettroniche, realizzati da JAM MONSTER in formato Aroma Shot 15 ml in 60 ml. Aromi Tabaccosi con note cremose e fruttate della Linea Tobacco Monster. VANILLA BOURBON AROMA VANILLA BOURBON Aroma per Sigaretta Elettronica Tabaccoso e Cremoso in formato Aroma Shot da 15ml in 60ml, al sapore di Tabacco con Vaniglia Bourbon e Nocciola.