SMOKINCITY Tutti i prodotti

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CREAMY TOWN 3 is a Fruity Electronic Cigarette Aroma, in 20ml in 60ml Aroma shot format created by Dreamods x SmokinCity. FLAVOR: CHERRY JAM AND BUTTER BISCUITS.
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CREAMY TOWN 2 is a Fruity Electronic Cigarette Aroma, in 20ml in 60ml Aroma shot format created by Dreamods x SmokinCity. FLAVOUR: PANCAKE AND FIG JAM.
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CREAMY TOWN 1 is a Fruity Electronic Cigarette Aroma, in 20ml in 60ml Aroma shot format created by Dreamods x SmokinCity. FLAVOUR: WAFFLE PODS, BLACKBERRIES AND RASPBERRIES.
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URBAN JUNGLE 5 is a Fruity Electronic Cigarette Aroma, in 20ml in 60ml Aroma shot format created by Dreamods x SmokinCity. FLAVOUR: BLUEBERRY, LEMON AND RASPBERRY.
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URBAN JUNGLE 5 is a Fruity Electronic Cigarette Aroma, in 20ml in 60ml Aroma shot format created by Dreamods x SmokinCity. FLAVOUR: FRUIT AND ICE.