Published : 02/08/2018 - Categories : ELECTRONIC SIGARETTE AS FUNCTIONS


Do you want to prepare a good BASIC for vaping AROMI purchased on SMO-KINGSHOP.IT ???? Then you have come to the correct place! In this article we will talk about how to CREATE a good MIX according to your needs. We assume that there are various types of BASES to be vaped.

Some examples:

FULL VG: For lovers of "NUVOLONI" then a great vaporization at the expense of 'AROMA that is "SMORZATO" because of its GLYCEROL VEGETABLE.

It is also used for another reason: several users of ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE suffer from intolerance to PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PG) and therefore the only solution is to use BASI without the presence of the same. (to be used exclusively on DRIPPER type ATOMIZZATORI

80/20: 80% Base Vg (GLYCEROL VEGETABLE) and 20% Base Pg (PROPYLENE GLYCOL)

50/50: 50% Base Vg (GLYCEROL VEGETABLE) and 50% Base Pg (PROPYLENE GLYCOL) The classic base that is used in most HARDWARE systems. (not recommended on drippers eg GOON)

60/40/10: 40% Base Vg (GLYCEROL VEGETABLE) and 60% Base Pg (PROPYLENE GLYCOL) 10% (Distilled Water) For those who want an even more "LIQUID" base (not recommended on drippers eg GOON)

            Base Pg          Acquista una BASE FULL PG QUI

Acquista una BASE FULL VG QUI

                Base VG

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