Info and Health Side Effects Short Term Svapo
Info and Health Side Effects Short Term Svapo
Many vapors, most of the time, tend to defend the various health attacks received from people who do not vap and who feel entitled to state that the Electronic Cigarette does more harm than a Traditional Cigarette and, this "defense", has the purpose of covering or at least minimizing the side effects of the vaping. Specifying that to date there is still no detailed study on the subject capable of unveiling the harmful effects of long-term electronic cigarette, but we know that the damage is less than 95%, in this guide we will focus on the short-term effects Term reported by the users themselves. But let's analyze the side effects, probable causes and possible remedies to be implemented.
As an initial effect there is an increase in thirst due to dehydration. After long sessions of vaping, we often find ourselves with the famous "fleece tongue" due to two important factors: 1. The liquids of the electronic cigarette are hygroscopic and tend to dehydrate our body and in most of our mouth and our throat. 2. Svapare too long will create a kind of "patina" that will not make us assimilate more the particles of water contained in the E-Liquid and then our body will seek that% of H2o necessary to make the parts involved hydrated. Remedy: Drink plenty of water to make up for this lack.
Fall of Aromatic Perception
Precisely for the speech of Dehydration and patina formed due to lack of water, our taste buds will be enveloped by this thin layer that will cancel the taste receptors and then you will have the distinct sensation that our liquid loses flavor and consistency making us perceive a taste completely different and therefore there will be the so-called "drop in aromatic perception". It will be our cognitive memory to make us notice the aromatic variation of the liquid. Remedy: drink plenty of water, possibly with a high concentration of carbon dioxide so that the "sparkling bubbles" remove the patina formed after long sessions of Svapo and then you can continue to taste the aroma in its perfect shape. Very good advice to use during the events of the Svapo sector such as VAPITALY where there are numerous liquids under test.
There is much to be said about this effect, but we focus on one fundamental aspect: Aromatic addiction. Always vaping the same liquid, for a long time and throughout the day, will bring our taste buds and our taste receptors to be accustomed to that kind of taste and therefore not to feel it more like the first time. For example, if we prepare our liquid with the Base and the aroma, over time it will happen that the satisfaction in vaping for example to 10% will drop and therefore will inevitably lead us to increase the% of Aroma to be included in the base because there will have been the aromatic habituation where our brain will look for more flavor than the first taste. Remedy 1: even if that liquid is your favorite, as a remedy you can alternate with other liquids in order to re-educate the perceptors to that flavor but making it changing in different aromatic category ... if you vape continuously a tabaccoso I would alternate it with a fruity , a creamy, a menthol ... and not with another tobacco. Remedy 2: eat a mint or coffee candy will help to reset the taste.
Excessive Vapage with Electronic Cigarette
It is said that even good things, if we make improper or excessive use, can hurt. Also applies to the electronic cigarette during very long vape sessions, so let's go into detail. The sense of shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, are the symptoms that make us understand that our body is saturated with "steam", so it is in the phase of temporary fatigue, in fact it will need a short time to resume its regular functionality. In practice, our lungs must have time to assimilate and metabolize the vapor particles deposited in the pulmonary alveoli and, in that time frame, they will have those symptoms described above, but it is not anything to worry about!
Remedy: decrease or stop vaping for as long as the effect fades by itself.
Nausea of Svapare?
As a result of excessive vaping fatigue, the "nausea" effect may arise, so the problem is just an excessive accumulation of steam in the body which defends itself by saying "enough" to get the stomach that many times could lead you to reject . Another reason for the possible nausea, could be due to the nauseating taste of some liquids, which is why
Gustative Reset
This effect is given by too much vaping and svapare too many different liquids in a day, such as the events of Svapo ... practically you have a reset of taste buds which will no longer be able to distinguish which taste you are savoring ... Resetting the functionality gustative [also due to the effect of dehydration (page 1) and the loss of aromatic perception (page 1)] In addition to a side effect, it is also a very simple procedure to be implemented in the case of addiction and nausea, that is to reset the our taste is in the case of addiction (pag.2) to a liquid and both after the Nausea effect (page 2) as it continues to vape that taste, it will inevitably lead us to persevere in the symptom. Remedy: as mentioned previously, eating a mint or coffee candy can help.
Cough and sore throat
This is certainly the very first symptom of those who begin to use the electronic cigarette, a dry, irritating and persistent cough at every shot, but we see the causes. Our body, our throat, our lungs, over time have adapted to inhale the combustion substances deriving from the traditional cigarette, so much so that even at the first normal cigarette shot we all coughed because the inhaled smoke went through for the first time the respiratory tract, and having inhaled up to a second before only oxygen, the whole stretch will be irritated due to the chemical components that make up the cigarette just lit ... and then our body tries to expel these harmful substances with the cough. Other info to consider is the% of nicotine contained in the liquid, in fact if we are used to vaping liquids with low nicotinic dosages, vaping liquids with high dosages of nicotine will surely make us cough. The sore throat, even without long sessions of vaping derives from an irritation of the respiratory tract, but surely a pulmonologist will give you more elucidations. Remedy: if you start to svapare, you have to do it with low levels of nicotine doing small shots and cheek, while if you are already vapors and cough occurs you have to decrease the level of nicotine and the amount of ml vapors during the day. Consult a Pulmonologist if the problem persists over time, without considering any allergic reaction to some component of your liquid.
Laxative effect
Many laxatives that we use in the medical / pharmaceutical field are used for those who have problems with constipation, but in vape it can be a side effect and let's see why. In medicine, Glycerol is used in the form of suppositories to obviate the problem of constipation, therefore, being also present in our liquids in% variable, this could affect our intestine lubricating the intestinal contents and therefore "send us to the bathroom" more often. From Wikipedia, I found that in Diabetic patients, Vegetable Glycerol, in addition to having a dehydrating effect [see Dehydration (page 1)], promotes the appearance of hyperglycemia (excessive amount of glucose in the blood) and glycosuria (presence of sugars in urine), so we can not exclude that the same effect is also given by the use of electronic cigarettes with those liquids having high% of VG, but you must consult a doctor to have a scientific certainty. Remedy: decrease the amount of ml used in one day or decrease the% of liquids VG.
Addictive effects The electronic cigarette
The Electronic Cigarette is not addictive, but rather is the nicotine contained in liquids. In fact, the problem does not exist where there is no nicotine present, such as in the famous liquids at 0mg / ml. Here we could be reassured by the fact that only the nicotine, although considered a very light drug, can be addictive, while the Electronic Cigarette composed by Battery and atomizer is only the tool to be able to vaping. It would be like saying that the "Syringe of the addict" is addictive and not the drug that is injected !!! Therefore, nicotine is the cause of our psychic dependence in most exposed subjects, but there is also to say that many vapors search for Nicotine to have the famous HIT (throat hit), a very attenuated effect by Liquids users with high% of Vegetable Glycerol. Remedy: for those who switch from the traditional cigarette to the electronic one, it is advisable to start with a level of nicotine that satisfies a correct amount of nicotine required by the body and then gradually decreases with the mg / ml over time. Many start with high% of nicotine and then get to zero ... very few vapors, ex-smokers, have started to vap directly to 0mg / ml
Repulsive effect
Many times, in case we are sick, like stuffy nose, fever, cough, etc ... the use of electronic cigarette is inevitably abandoned called repulsive effect (perhaps the most daring continue to vaping !!!). But why in the case of flu states does our body reject the Electronic Cigarette? One of our senses that is attacked by the disease, although transient, is precisely the sense of smell and contextually taste. This combination will make our liquids practically tasteless, without considering any Cough that will inevitably accompany the symptoms of influenza. So Svapare will be practically impossible. Remedy: wait for the end of flu symptoms and start using the electronic cigarette in moderation in order to gradually re-accustom our body to receive the vapors of our E-Cig.
Spoken Talked
This is sometimes a fun side effect. Following an electronic cigarette shot, be it cheek or lung, but the more vapor there is, the more the effect will be accentuated, the moment we are expelling the steam from the mouth and we try to speak, the particles in the state gaseous vapor composed of PG / VG / H2o that are colder than oxygen condense in contact with the air creating a patina that settles on the vocal cords, which will not allow us to speak well with the consequent "Attached Speech ". A simple test to check the temperature difference between the electronic cigarette vapor and the simple throwing out of the air without fuming is quite immediate. Put the palm of your hand about 20cm from your mouth and blow the air from your lungs without having made an electronic cigarette shot. Repeat the operation immediately but after making a cigarette and blowing the steam on the hand. You will notice that the temperature of the Steam compared to the temperature of the air alone from the lungs will be cooler! The effect is not harmful, and can be a reason for fun among the vapers! Remedy: stop talking, throw out all the steam, cough to remove the condensation from the throat, keep talking!
Burns with the Electronic Cigarette
This side effect, although aimed only at some vapors, is a frequent problem due to a practice / type of vaping called Cloud-Chasing. Who performs this type of vaping tends to use Atomizers and resistors that must be heated a lot due to the low resistive ohms that will need just a few watt of power in order to turn on the resistors. But what does this involve? Simply that, the liquid deposited on our resistance, when ignited, is heated quickly and therefore could be ejected upwards like a "incandescent lapillus" that will inevitably go to burn our tongue ... in the worst case it could even end up in the eye. So pay a lot of attention especially with the atom to be dripped before entering the Cup ... the lapilli will go in any direction !!! Another burn effect is due to distractions during the Coil regeneration or during the Dry-Burn ... while the coil is incandescent, involuntarily I put my finger on it ... the burn is assured !!! Other types of burns can occur on the lips that are placed on the metal Drip-Tip that many times, especially those mounted on the Atom by Dripping, tend to heat up a lot and therefore could burn your lips. Remedy 1: in the case of "Incandescent lapilli", lower the wattage or Volt set on your Box if it is an electronic mod, in a mechanical mod instead you could remedy the problem by simply changing the Drip-Tip by putting it closer, then going to decrease the hole where the "lapilli" could come out Remedy 2: in case of coil contact burn, carry out all the first aid procedures to treat the wound, disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide, put any creams for burns and cover the wound to avoid possible infections of the same. Consult a doctor. Also valid for burns of the lips.
Tingling on the tongue and in the throat svapando
Unfortunately, this unpleasant effect can be caused by several factors. The Pizzicore on the tongue can be given by some aromas that go to irritate our receptors and then cause the undesired effect, same speech of the chili that contains Capsaicina and then you will have an irritation of the mucous membranes that come in contact with it. Another problem could be given by the purity of our base and therefore be more or less "good", and therefore also at the level of flavor could differ by creating that tingling on the tongue and in the throat. Another reason is a very encrusted coil that can release, in addition to the vapors of the liquid, also the vapors resulting from the combustion of the "piece of coal" that
Tingling on the tongue and in the throat svapando
Unfortunately, this unpleasant effect can be caused by several factors. The Pizzicore on the tongue can be given by some aromas that go to irritate our receptors and then cause the undesired effect, same speech of the chili that contains Capsaicina and then you will have an irritation of the mucous membranes that come in contact with it. Another problem could be given by the purity of our base and therefore be more or less "good", and therefore also at the level of flavor could differ by creating that tingling on the tongue and in the throat. Another reason is a very encrusted coil that can release, in addition to the vapors of the liquid, also the vapors resulting from the combustion of the "piece of coal" that has formed on the resistance that burns together with the liquid. This will make you pinch your throat and tongue because you will be inhaling not very healthy vapors! Then there is the burnt flavor of the so-called "Steccata", ie when we do not notice that the liquid in the tank / dripper is finished / consumed or the liquid is not fished well from the head and then we will have cotton in dry ... practically we inhale burnt cotton vapors, the membrane is immediately irritated and we will have that disgusting burnt taste, resulting in a cough !!! Remedy 1: the problem could be solved by lengthening from 1% to 10% our liquid with Distilled, Bidistilled, Purified Water. Remedy 2: frequently clean the coil (Dry-Burn) and change the cotton, or change the pre-packaged head every time the tingling arises (for example, it arises after several tanks with the same liquid without first cleaning the 'atom, or the change of the head already done!). Remedy 3: make sure that our head weighs well the liquid in the tank, or that the cotton of our dripper is well wet with liquid.
Trasudo dal Naso with Lo Svapo
This effect is given by the condensation of vapor that is formed by expelling the air out of the nose. It is nothing more than steam, which by passing from the Gaseous state to the liquid state "literally clings" to the hairs and mucous membranes contained in the nose, creating the effect "Dripping", nothing harmful, but definitely annoying! Remedy: to avoid "dripping" from the nose, try as much as possible to expel the steam only from the mouth, otherwise obtain a tissue to use if necessary
Patina on the Glasses With the Vapor of the Cigarette
We all know that the use of FullVG bases, especially those who do Cloud-Chasing, will have a "slimy patina" effect on the windows of the house and on the windows in the car. This effect is due to the passage of the Gaseous / Aeriform state to the Liquid / Solid state, and therefore the Steam will settle on the glass of the house, on the furniture, on the floor, creating a patina that must be cleaned with a damp cloth. Knowing that the warm air tends to push cold air down and that the steam that we throw out when we breathe out is colder than air (in normal cases at room temperature such as inside or inside the machine at about 20 ° c ), this condensed vapor will tend to deposit on the ground and therefore will make our floor slightly "slimy" ... but not only in vaping conditions in Cloud-Chasing, even with the cheek shots we will have, over time, the same effect ... who does Cloud-Chasing at home or in the car will have to clean more often. Remedy: clean the parts made viscous with condensed steam with a damp cloth and with degreasing agents.
Water in the lungs? Electronic cigarettes
The question arises: but the water in the lungs is deposited by vaping? Well, our lungs circulate about 500ml of water a day through the so-called "perspiratio insensibilis", ie they lose that amount of water only by breathing. Now, by making an absurd example, even if you vanish 100ml of nicotine liquid 0 in one day, with a% of H2O equal to 10%, then considering a classic 50% (PG) base: 40% (VG): 10% H2O , means that in those 100ml of liquid there are 10ml of water that is equivalent to 2% of all the water thrown out during one day's breathing. If absurdly assimilated in a single solution all those 10ml of water in the lungs would be eliminated by simple breathing in about half an hour. To return to those 100ml of liquid, it must also be said that I would not vape them in one solution, and not even all the inhaled steam I keep inside but I throw it out with the famous "svapata", then those hypothetical 100ml vaping them during one day and not all of them remain inside my body! We do two simple calculations: one day is composed of 24 hours, then 1440 minutes, it follows that 500ml of water thrown out during breathing in a day equivalent to 0.3472222222222222ml of water that are lost in a minute, then those 10ml "total" assimilated into a hypothetical assumption of a single solution, co
Effects from poisoning Electronic cigarette liquid
Unfortunately, this section is the most critical, because, although the electronic cigarette is less harmful than the traditional cigarette, the contents of liquids can be fatal to those who accidentally swallows them. Propylene Glycol Poisoning: Propylene Glycol is a chemical compound and its acute oral toxicity in humans is very low, so to cause significant damage to health, it is necessary to ingest large quantities, we do not know the quantities, but it remains always an element that can cause a state of poisoning in the body. Many people may be intolerant to PG, but the same does not cause sensitization and has been shown to be completely non-carcinogenic or geno-toxic. It has been studied that subjects intolerant to propylene glycol, show some forms of irritation, but only rarely develop allergic contact dermatitis. Other researchers believe that allergic contact dermatitis with propylene glycol is greater in patients who suffer from eczema. In the vapors this intolerance could have as a symptom the dry mouth or shortness of breath. Alternatively, some manufacturers use vegetable glycerine as a vehicle for those who are allergic (or experience adverse reactions) to propylene glycol. Plant Glycerol Poisoning: The only harmful effect that it could have is that of the laxative effect, but there are no reliable data on the actual toxicity. Nicotine poisoning: Another component that can create a state of poisoning is Nicotine, we must be very careful because if ingested in the 60mg unit (D.R.) can be lethal. But since our liquids have different Nicotine concentrations marked as mg / ml, it means that a 10ml bottle of liquid to Nicotine 6 will contain 6mg of nicotine per ml, so the whole 10ml bottle, if ingested, is equivalent to 60mg of total nicotine, attributable to lethal rat (DR). Pay attention. Aroma poisoning: The aromas contained in our liquids, for the most are produced with food elements, natural, organic, other chemicals in Glycolic solutions, others in Alcohol solutions, so they are basically safe ... but should be used only diluted in the base and they should not be consumed "Tal Quali". To date no harmful effects are known from ingestion, but the fact remains that even with the aromas must be given the utmost attention, especially in the case where, at home, there is the presence of children and animals that can "accidentally drink" the contents from the bottles. Remedy for all cases (PG / VG / Nicotine / Aroma): in case of a known case of poisoning by ingestion of the chemical elements described, immediately contact the 118 or the Family Doctor and then transport the victim to the nearest Anti-Poison Center taking the bottle and / or the package insert with you. Remedy for PG intolerant: The problem could be solved using bases without PG and with a greater% of Vegetable Glycerol (VG). Consult the list of Poison Centers in Italy, but if you are planning a trip abroad, inquire in advance about the Poison Centers in the area of the foreign place visited.
Other Side Effects Electronic Cigarette
Other side effects, found in the research carried out by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health carried out on 19,000 users (page 9), found other side effects: Black Language (0.7%), Allergies (1.8%) , Respiratory difficulties (2%), Bleeding from the nose (3.1%), Chest pain (3.2%), Drowsiness (3.4%), Heart palpitations (5%), Vertigo (5.1%) , Insomnia (6.3%), Headache (11.1%), Cough (12.8%), Gingivitis (13.1%), Inflammations Mouth / Tongue (38.9%), No Effect (40 , 2%), where 74.4% reported improvements in health in general, only 0.4% worsened, while 24.6% of cases reported an unchanged situation. Therefore, by studying the various side effects and observing the various benefits represented by the users of the Electronic Cigarette, we can draw up a list of PRO and AGAINST: PRO: Improve Resistance; Improves the Smell; Improve the taste; Improves blood pressure; It does not release bad persistent odors; Reduces the onset of lung cancer; No harmful elements created by combustion are inhaled; Increased lung capacity, so it improves breathing; Increase of the aromatic perceptions as cigarette smoke obscures the sensory capacities of taste; It considerably reduces the use of traditional Cigarettes and leads the vapors to abandon them; AGAINST: Dryness of the throat; Condensation increase in the nostrils; Inflammation of the mouth and tongue; Increased thirst (due to the effect