EVALI: the disease of the scarers
EVALI: the disease of the scarers
In the United States this new disease is affecting the lungs of the Svapatori, the alarm has spread especially among consumers, traders, doctors and control bodies. At first it was thought that the problem had been studied at a table by the global tobacco Lobby that with Traditional Cigarettes are losing commercial ground, but in recent weeks, the alarm has come back as in the USA, 26 deaths were recorded against 1300 diagnoses of this disease, while similar cases have not been recorded in Europe or in Italy.
For the first time, scientists have given a name to the mysterious lung pathology linked to the use of these "EVALI" instruments. The English acronym "E-cigarette, or Vaping, product use Associated Lung Injury" can be translated as "lung injury associated with the use of electronic cigarettes or vaping ”. However, it is not the simple use of Electronic Cigarette that creates this lung damage, but an incorrect use with illegal THC-based substances.
According to initial data, in fact, a percentage of over 75% of those affected by the pathology had used electronic cigarettes with THC, in practice one of the active ingredients of cannabis.
Chest pains represent the first sign of the onset of the disease, followed by labored breathing, coughing, nausea and breathing difficulties. Immediately afterwards, a fever occurs that is associated with breathing problems that can worsen until requiring assisted breathing. In some cases the disease occurs even after the treatment has ended, requiring a new hospitalization. According to initial research, the disease could also lead to the development of lung infections. Evali may be confused with normal flu, as the symptoms are very similar. For this reason it is advisable to inform the doctor that you are a regular or occasional user of electronic cigarettes, to allow him to perform the right analyzes.
the EVALI has caused great concern in the world and for this reason the health authorities have advised against buying and the use of any device that contains THC from unsafe sites, even online drug dealers, drug dealers also online, from the black market or sold under the table in physical stores. Nor should we make home-based attempts to mix safe liquids with unsafe or unknown substances, whose properties and the right dosage are unknown. If you have symptoms similar to those of EVALI, go immediately to the emergency room.