Officine Svapo Cigar Club 13.5 Aroma 10 ml
Officine Svapo Cigar Club 13.5 Aroma 10 ml
Buy the new Cigar Club line from Smo-King, of Concentrated Tobacco Flavors made by Officine Svapo in 10 ml format for your Electronic Cigarette. A Line of Liquid Electronic Cigarettes that will take you to discover the world of Cigars, both Italian and Foreign.
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Officine Svapo Cigar Club 13.5 Aroma 10 ml
Officine Svapo Cigar Club 13.5 Aroma 10 ml Buy the new Cigar Club line from Smo-King, of Concentrated Tobacco Flavors made by Officine Svapo in 10 ml format for your Electronic Cigarette. A Line of Liquid Electronic Cigarettes that will take you to discover the world of Cigars, both Italian and Foreign.
Cigar Club 13.5 produced by Offcine Svapo, is a Tobacco Liquid in 10ml format, which takes its name from the diameter of the cigars (13.5mm). A fine cigar with a warm and enveloping taste, where the Tobacco is enriched through a complex fermentation process in coffee beans. A Tasty Dark Tobacco Perfect for Quitting Smoking.
All the aromas of Officine Svapo need the right dilution and the right maturation to be enjoyed inside the Atomizer. The recommended dilution is between 10% and 15%. You can get to 20% only if you want to prepare a tasting liquid. After diluting your aroma in the Neutral Base, you will have to wait a period of time between 10 and 15 days. In this way, your Liquid for Electronic Cigarette will reach the tobacco aroma maturation to be appreciated.