Nic Master Spumix Aroma 40 ml
Nic Master Spumix Aroma 40 ml Buy the new Triple Concentration Aromas made by Nic Master for Electronic Cigarettes from Smo-King at the best price online. Nic Master, already known in the world of Vaping for its magnificent Nicotine bases, has decided to debut with these new 40/120 Master Mix Aromas, which unlike simple Decomposed Aromas have a 120ml Bottle with 40ml of Liquid Cigarette inside. Electronics.
SPUMIX created by Nic Master is a 40ml Master Mix in 120ml, a Creamy and Fruity Liquid absolutely to vape. A sweet Meringue that goes wonderfully with the fresh flavor of Lime.
All the Aromas made by Nic Master are available inside the 120ml bottle you will find 40ml of Double Concentration Aroma, to which 60ml of Vegetable Glycerin and 2 Nicotine Bases will be added to obtain 120ml of Ready Liquid